Friday, January 23, 2009

Our House

Ok so people have been dying to know what is going on with our house so here it is...
We are not in it yet but very soon. It is a completely new home. I really didn't think it was possible to make my 114 year old home look new but the amazing contractors have done a great job. Yes I have pics of the whole process but we have been without our own computer for a long time, since Oct. 6, 2008 and so we haven't had the opportunity to share so I will be giving everyone the chance to see the whole process. I wish I was able to let you all live through the process as we lived through it and some of you were there leaky roof and all. Anyway I will see what I can do to let you all see what has happened with us the last 4 months. We are hoping to be in the house by Halloween 2009 just kidding :) We are really hoping it is only a couple more weeks maybe by Valentines Day. So I will write more soon and try to figure out how to upload some pics.

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